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And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, like a bride adorned and ready for her husband. And I heard a loud voice proclaim from the throne:

“Behold, God’s dwelling is with mankind;
    he will dwell with them.
They will be his people,
    and he will be their God,
He will wipe every tear from their eyes,
    and there will no longer be death.
Neither will there be any mourning or crying or pain,
    for the old order has passed away.”

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  1. Revelation 21:3 This verse contains a combination of the classic formula of the Covenant (“You will be my people, and I will be your God”) and the name Immanuel (“God-with-us”), which was regarded as a name of the Messiah (Mt 1:23)—a fine assertion of the divinity of Christ, who is God and man. The complete and definitive Covenant between God and humankind will be accomplished at the end of time (see Isa 12:6; Joel 4:17, 21; Zep 3:15-17; Zec 2:14).